Personal Insurance Exposures

Are You Confident in the Protection You Have in Place?

Personal insurance can protect your most valuable assets if you have clearly defined your exposures and risks. But how do you determine what hazards and exposures cause the most risk? What is the best solution to mitigate or manage those risks? One mistake can create gaps in insurance coverages, creating vulnerability for greater loss than anticipated, for you, your family and your assets..

Unfortunately, we work this process in reverse order. Why and what does that mean?

WHY?:  We know we are required to have insurance if we have a loan on any of our possessions, like homes and autos.

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN: We do what is required of us; we purchase the required insurance policy to satisfy the lender's requirements. But at what point do you stop to evaluate YOUR own needs outside of what is required? Are the lender's requirements really looking out for you and your family or for the assets they have ownership in?

Who is having an honest conversation with you to understand what is important to you should something tragic happen... something that falls outside of the lender's requirements?

We do this every day with our clients. Your goal is our goal and a great place to start is to go through our Exposure Assessment Tool! To get access, complete the form on the right and you will gain access to a link to download this FREE assessment.

Complete this form to access to a simple, but useful too to determine your own exposures.